SPECIAL ANNOUNCMENT: Please join us for our ribbon cutting ceremony Friday, May 6th, 4-5pm hosted in partnership with Prince William Chamber of Commerce.

Blanca Lidia Gonzalez Giron

Blanca Lidia Gonzalez Giron de 14 años falleció el día 11 de Febrero de 2023 en su residencia.

Ella nació en San Miguel, El Salvador. Hija de Nelson Gonzalez Mejia ya fallecido y Rosa Nelly Giron Vasquez. Padastro: Santos Orlando Berrios.

Blanca lidia en su corta vida disfrutaba mucho de experimentar con maquillaje y bailar.

Sobrevivientes incluyen su unico hermano: Erasmo Noe Giron.

Abuelos Maternos: Sevastian Giron Vasquez y Reina Vasquez ya fallecidos.

Abuelos Paternos: Blanca Lidia de Gonzalez Y Juan Francisco Gonzalez ya fallecidos.

Tios: Rosa del Carmen Giron de Ramos Y Jose Antonio Ramos e hijos, Yanira Vazquez e hijos, Maria Xiomara Miranda y Eduin Calix, Jose Virgilio Giron Vasquez e hijos, Jose Mauricio Gonzalez, esposa e hijos, Marisol Gonzalez, Evelyn Gonzalez e hijos, Edgar Gonzalez, esposa e hijos y demas familiares.

La familia recibirá amigos y resto de familiares a su velorio que será el día Viernes, febrero 17 desde las 3pm-9pm en la funeraria Olde Towne, localizada en la 9320 West Street Manassas, Virginia donde será ofrecida un homenaje especial a las 7pm-8pm.

Siguiente a su velorio los servicios funebres seran en El Salvador.

Transmisión en vivo haga clic a continuación: https://webcast.funeralvue.com/events/viewer/84926


Blanca Lidia Gonzalez Giron, 14 years old, died on February 11, 2023 at her residence.

She was born in San Miguel,  El Salvador. Daughter of Nelson Gonzalez Mejia now deceased  and  Rosa Nelly Giron Vasquez. Stepfather: Santos Orlando Berrios.

Blanca Lidia in her short life enjoyed experimenting with makeup and dancing.

Survivors include her only brother, Erasmus Noe Giron.

Maternal grandparents: Sevastian Giron Vasquez and Reina Vasquez now deceased.

Paternal grandparents: Blanca Lidia de Gonzalez and Juan Francisco Gonzalez already deceased.

Uncles: Rosa del Carmen Giron de Ramos and Jose Antonio Ramos and children, Yanira Vazquez and children, Maria Xiomara Miranda and Eduin Calix, Jose Virgilio Giron Vasquez and children, Jose Mauricio Gonzalez, wife and children, Marisol Gonzalez, Evelyn Gonzalez and children, Edgar Gonzalez, wife and children and other relatives.

The family will receive friends and other family members to their wake that will be on Friday, February 17 from 3pm-9 pm at Olde Towne Funeral Home, located at 9320 West Street Manassas, Virginia where a special tribute will be offered at 7pm-8pm.

Following her wake, funeral services will be in El Salvador.

Livestreaming will begin at 6:45 PM click on link to watch https://webcast.funeralvue.com/events/viewer/84926




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One Response

  1. Los maestros, consejera escolar, y personal de la Escuela Metz nos sentimos privilegiados de haberte tenido como estudiante. Te recordaremos como un ser respetuoso, responsable y carinoso.

    Blanca, te tuvimos siempre en nuestro pensamento y queremos que sepas que dejaste una huella en nuestros corazones.

    The teachers, school counselor, and staff at Metz School feel privileged to have had you as a student. We will remember you as a respectful, responsible and loving being.

    Blanca, we always had you in our thoughts and we want you to know that you left a mark on our hearts.

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